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Ascaris lumbricoides (Part II)


Cosmopolitan 全世界性的but much more common in the tropics热带. The eggs pass on to the ground via the faeces粪便. Fertilised eggs require 10 to 40 days in the outside world to mature before they become infectious具传染性的. Once they are mature the eggs are taken up once more (faeco-oral transmission) via infected food, drink, dirty hands or fingernails. In the intestine small larvae 幼虫emerge from the eggs, and these bore 钻洞through the intestinal wall. In this way they reach the blood (portal vein system肝门静脉,也就是连接小肠到肝脏的静脉). They are carried with the blood, through the liver to the lungs (lung passage occurs 3 to 14 days after ingestion吞食). In the lungs the larvae make their way to the bronchial 支气管lumen and climb via the respiratory branches into the throat. They are swallowed, and in this way they again reach the intestine. They grow into adult worms in the jejunum空肠,小肠的第二部分. They do not damage the intestinal wall. Egg laying begins two months after infection. The adult worm survives on average for 1 year. The creatures reach 15 to 40 cm.


Intestinal nematodes: Ascaris lumbricoides, epidemiology (流行病学)
This is the most common worm infection in humans. It has a cosmopolitan distribution. Children are most often infected. The eggs are very resistant抵抗性强, which makes it possible in certain circumstances for them to survive for a long time in the outside world. The number of eggs which can be found in the soil is a measure of the hygiene 卫生standard and degree of sanitation of an area (faecal pollution of the ground).

Intestinal nematodes: Ascaris lumbricoides, symptoms 症状
The vast majority are asymptomatic.没有明显症状 Some people have various forms of intestinal discomfort 不适or allergic过敏 symptoms. Serious complications复杂状况 are rare少见. Nevertheless, in view of the large number of infected persons, the morbidity发病率 and mortality 死亡率should not be disregarded漠视.

Lung passage symptoms 气管症状
The larvae undergo lung passage. This produces symptoms of mild to severe cough, dyspnoea呼吸困难, thoracic pain胸痛, some fever. The clinical picture is similar to asthma 哮喘or pneumonia肺炎. On chest X-ray migratory 会迁移的infiltration渗透物 are observed. Eosinophilia(嗜伊红血球或嗜酸性白血球过多症状) is present. This whole phenomenon is called Loeffler's syndrome. The sputum唾液 contains many eosinophils嗜酸性白血球,也被称为嗜曙红细胞或嗜伊红血球), Charcot-Leyden crystals and sometimes also larvae. The symptoms last for some days or weeks.

Obstruction 阻塞of hollow organs
When numerous adult worms are present, they may form a tangle 纠结and cause mechanical intestinal obstruction manifested明显表露 by a bloated膨胀的 abdomen, increased peristalsis with clangour铿锵声, colicky腹绞痛 pain, vomiting and dilated intestinal lumen on an abdominal X-ray. Migration into the biliary tract输送胆汁的管 may lead to biliary obstruction (cholestasis) with possibly infection (cholangitis, liver abscess脓疮, pancreatitis胰脏炎). Sometimes there is migration to the appendix 阑尾、盲肠with inflammation (appendicitis阑尾炎). Sometimes an adult Ascaris is present in vomitus呕吐物. Occasionally, an adult can penetrate the lacrimal泪腺管 duct.

Malnutrition 营养失调
Ascaris itself does not cause malnutrition. In borderline malnutrition the presence of numerous worms can have a negative effect, however. It is also important to know that many patients suffer from anorexia厌食. Humans infected with Ascaris are best treated before they undergo intestinal surgery. Migration of an Ascaris through an intestinal suture line is a serious event.

Intestinal nematodes: Ascaris lumbricoides, diagnosis
Since an adult female lays up to 200,000 eggs per day, as a rule no concentration technique is necessary to detect eggs in the faeces. If infection is solely with one or more male worms, then of course no eggs will be detected. During lung passage there is significant eosinophilia. After lung passage there is no longer appreciable eosinophilia. X-ray of the intestine may show one or more adult worms. The worm forms a long, thin dark area if using barium contrast. Sometimes a central longitudinal radio-opaque line can be seen; this is the intestinal tract of the worm. Such a line is absent in tapeworms. An ultrasound of the pancreas (Wirsung duct) or of the biliary tract and gallbladder, sometimes shows an ectopic migrating adult Ascaris.


